D'Angio Law Offices
And so as adversaries do in law, strive mightily, but eat and drink as friends. 
William Shakespeare, 1564-1616, The Taming of the Shrew.


For more than 6 decades D'Angio Law Offices has represented individuals, banks and businesses in all types of real estate transactions.  This includes the purchase and sale of homes or condominiums for individual or representing lenders in those same transactions.  We have represented real estate developers in zoning matters, subdivisions, variances, special permits and any related litigation, whether in District Court, Superior Court or Land Court.  We have recently had success in the Land Court defending several attempts by abutters to take land by adverse possession.  Attorney D'Angio has been constantly involved in all the these areas, and all phases of condominium development, marketing and representation of condominiums.  Attorney D'Angio has represented the largest landlord in Waltham as well as numerous tenants.  He has been a landlord himself for more than 20 years.


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